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Real estate photographers: How to build your team

In Build A Photography Business Show, Real estate photography - business management by Build A Photography Business

So your real estate photography business is growing and you’re wondering if you should hire some extra team members. It can be a daunting prospect and one that you might be tempted to put off just because it looks like it’ll be too big to manage … “Should I hire someone now or wait until I get busier? And how …

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Photographers: You need more patience in your marketing

In Build A Photography Business Show, Real estate photography marketing by Build A Photography Business

Let’s have another chat about marketing your architectural or real estate photography business and I’d like to talk about something that I think you need at the foundation of any marketing campaign you do in 2021. If you include this in your marketing then it’s going to have a significant impact on the ‘what’ and the ‘when’ of your marketing, …

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Procrastination, perfectionism and photography

In Build A Photography Business Show, Real estate photography - business management by Build A Photography Business

Do you procrastinate on things? ​​Are you a perfectionist? ​​Do you ever have doubts about your ability as a photographer? There’s a lot of stuff online for real estate photographers about shooting and editing, but I’d like to dig into some of the underlying mindset issues that hold a lot of photographers back and I’ll share some things you can …

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Real estate photographers – too busy? This is how you fix it.

In Build A Photography Business Show, Real estate photography - business management by Build A Photography Business

For the real estate photographers out there – are you so crazy busy working on photo shoots for your clients that you barely get time for anything else? That sounds like a great problem to have, but it could be a sign of some systemic issues in your business that you need to get fixed ASAP. In this episode I …

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Photographers: 3 things the corporate world does better than you

In Build A Photography Business Show, Real estate photography - business management by Build A Photography Business

In this episode of The Build A Photography Business Show I talk about 3 things the corporate world does better than you … or at least better than a lot of real estate photographers and architectural photographers. However, if you can turn things around by also pursuing excellence in these three areas – and we’ll talk about how you can …

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Real estate photographers: How to get paid what you’re worth

In Build A Photography Business Show, Real estate photography pricing by Build A Photography Business

If you’re a real estate photographer, what do you need to do to get paid what you’re worth? In episode 12 of The Build A Photography Business Show I shared a formula for pricing your real estate photography packages, and in this episode we’ll go to the next step and talk about how you command higher fees. If going up against …

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What should you charge for real estate photography?

In Build A Photography Business Show, Real estate photography pricing by Build A Photography Business

What should you charge for real estate photography? If you struggle with real estate photography pricing then I’d like to share a process you can use to price any service in any market, whether it’s photography, video or a 360 tour. This process is reasonably simple to use and I’m confident you’ll find it super helpful.Here’s what I covered in …

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6 steps to protect your photography business long-term: The Build A Photography Business Show

In Build A Photography Business Show, Real estate photography - business management by Build A Photography Business

As a real estate photographer or architectural photographer, what can you do to protect your business? There are a lot of risks you face, so in this episode of The Build A Photography Business Show I’d like to outline six things you can do that will help you to succeed over the long-term.As a real estate photographer or architectural photographer, …

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How to get started in real estate photography: The Build A Photography Business Show

In Build A Photography Business Show, Real estate photography - business management, Real estate photography marketing by Build A Photography Business

There’s a lot more to getting started in real estate photography than just learning some new skills or getting a wide-angle lens.

In this video I went through a 3-stage process covering 7 different areas of your business, and I think this will help you get your new venture off to the best possible start.

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How to create and manage your sky library: The Build A Photography Business Show

In Build A Photography Business Show, Real estate photography tutorials by Build A Photography Business

Do you have a library of sky images you can use when doing sky replacements for your architectural photos or real estate photos? A lot of photographers have a small collection of images that they use over and over again, but I’m going to assume that you need more images so that you bring more variety to the work you …

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How to get from where you are to where you want to be

In Build A Photography Business Show, Real estate photography - business management by Build A Photography Business

What stresses you out? What keeps you up at night as a photographer? For you the issue might be, “How am I going to get more clients?” Or it could be, “How am I going to manage my time so I’m not spending every waking hour working in my business?”  Whatever it is for you it comes back to this: How …

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How to balance your photography business and your family so both sides win

In Build A Photography Business Show, Real estate photography - business management by Build A Photography Business

How can a real estate or architectural photographer find a balance between their business and their family, and do it in a way that both sides win? We know what it’s like being a photographer – you shoot all day, then you get back home and handle the editing, the emails that you’ve missed, your social media posts, your invoices …

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How can real estate & architectural photographers get clients in a saturated market: The Build A Photography Business Show

In Build A Photography Business Show, Real estate photography marketing by Build A Photography Business

How do real estate and architectural photographers get more clients when you’re in a busy market with a lot of other photographers? This is a big issue for a lot of photographers, and it can be really hard to stand out and even get noticed, so let’s work on a plan for what you can do to make a real …

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The roadmap to real estate photography success: The Build A Photography Business Show

In Build A Photography Business Show, Real estate photography - business management by Build A Photography Business

How do you find success as a real estate photographer? I’d suggest that there are 7 areas you really need to work on, and in this video I’ll show you what those 7 areas are, and how to maximize them in your business. This will give you clarity and confidence regarding the things you need to do, but what’s important …

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Real estate photographers: Be prepared for the quiet season

In Build A Photography Business Show, Real estate photography marketing by Build A Photography Business

Real estate photographers: do you typically have a quiet winter in your business? What do you do if you want to keep working through that time because you can’t afford for things to go quiet? That’s what I addressed in episode 4 of The Build A Photography Business show, with four steps (plus one optional one) that will help you …

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The Build A Photography Business Show: What’s the biggest barrier in your business?

In Build A Photography Business Show, Real estate photography - business management by Build A Photography Business

In this episode: Interview: We had a chat with real estate photographer Jon Kreider from Naples (Florida) about his background in photography and why he’s passionate about shooting homes, and the importance of deciding what type of photographer you are and how you position yourself in your market. You can check out Jon’s website, or find him on Facebook and …

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The Build A Photography Business Show: Episode 2

In Build A Photography Business Show, Real estate photography - business management by Build A Photography Business

Download: Click on the image to download the PDF: “Balancing My Photography Business” I’ve put together a PDF that you can download and print. Give yourself a score for each category: Download that PDF, fill it in as accurately and as honestly as you can (don’t overestimate your own abilities … but at the same time, don’t be too harsh …

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The Build A Photography Business Show: episode 1

In Build A Photography Business Show, Real estate photography - business management by Build A Photography Business

This episode of The Build A Photography Business Show featured: An interview with Kansas City photographer Samantha Ward Training: Should you outsource your photo editing? Outsourcing your photo editing for real estate photographers: In the video above I go into a lot more detail into this, but here’s a quick overview of what I covered … The two main arguments against …