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Why do photographers and videographers need a business coach?

1. A good business coach can bring the 'business' while you bring the 'creativity', providing the balance you need to thrive in your photography business..
2. Having big ideas for your business but not implementing them is like looking through a viewfinder without firing the shutter. Execution is everything. As a business coach I will give you clarity on what to do, and I will keep you accountable to do the things you need to do.

What could we cover in a coaching session?


Review what you are currently doing to attract clients and define what you could be doing to get better results.


Take a look at your numbers to make sure you are both profitable and consistent with where you want to be as a photographer.


Review your website and define the changes you might need to make to attract your dream clients and work on your SEO so you're found on page one of a local search.

Social media:

Review your social media posts and, if appropriate, recommend any changes to increase sales.

Goal setting:

Define your business goals and the steps you need to take to get there.

Team development:

I can help you introduce systems and processes that will help you build a team so you don't have to do everything yourself and can take time off when you want to.

Time management:

Review your business operations to identify any possible changes that will help you operate more efficiently, or simply define your hours so you can work on the business and not just in the business.

Business systems:

Review your current business systems and make any recommendations to help you improve your business.

What do photographers say about this?

" I have gained 2-3 new clients a month and it's been way better than I thought it could be."


"You have been an amazing coach and great support to me this year. Without your help, I will have been still struggling with different things in my head. Thank you so much."
- Photographer from Hawaii, USA


“Following your steps I have gained so many of my dream clients.”
- Photographer from North Carolina, USA

"I have gained 2-3 new clients a month and it's been way better than I thought it could be. I rank on page 1 of Google, I get consistent business, and I have clients who love me and will do anything for me. It's awesome and I would not be here without you and your content."

- Architectural photographer from Colorado, USA

"While I found everything we talked about tonight extremely helpful I think having you go over my website and tell me very freely the things that are holding me back from ranking, and discussing social media and how to approach people through that really helped me."
- Photographer from Colorado, USA

“Thanks for all this - it’s exactly what I need!
The call today was great, thanks so much as always for putting it all together.”
- Photographer from the UK

How do these coaching sessions work?

After completing thousands of private and group coaching sessions for photographers across North America, Europe, Asia and Oceania, here's the process that I use:

We will meet via Zoom (you can choose whether or not you have your webcam running), and what we cover in each session is up to you:
I'll start by asking you what you would like to achieve in the session, so we're both clear on the outcome you're looking for by the time we get to the end of the 30 or 60 minutes that we have.
For example, if you have an issue to work through, or an idea you'd like some feedback on, then we will take time to talk about that and help you come to a clear decision or action step. Or if you are looking for guidance on something, such as what to do to attract more clients, or increase your fees, or hire a team member, I can help you get clear on what outcome you really want and work with you to define the steps that will help you get there.
Throughout our conversation I will be writing things down, and usually that means setting clear goals and the tasks you need to fulfill.
At the end of each session I'll review the tasks with you and make sure you are leaving each conversation clear on what you need to do next.
Follow-up conversations: 
If we were to do subsequent coaching sessions, we will go back over the tasks that were set for you, and we'll review what you've achieved and what still needs to be done. From there we can set new goals and tasks for you to do.

Who am I?

I'm Darryl Stringer, and I started in photography back in 1998. During those early years I made a lot of mistakes, but I eventually figured out how to make it work. By the time I sold my business in 2015 I had made over $2.7 million in photography sales.
Since 2015 I have been a full-time photography coach, and my goal is to help other photographers avoid the mistakes I made, guide them towards making great choices as business owners, and provide them with the tools and resources that will enable them to be as successful as they want to be.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the questions photographers often ask me:

Q. "What’s your background as a photographer and a coach?"

A. I ran my own photography business for 17 years. I started in 1998 shooting film, transitioned to digital in 2003, and grew a successful business operation with a team of photographers. My specialty was real estate and architectural photography, as I really enjoyed that line of work, but I also did weddings and family portraits.

Then in 2015 I sold the business (so if you’re thinking of one day selling your photography business I can certainly speak to that from experience), and started full-time doing business coaching for photographers. Since then I’ve literally done thousands of private coaching sessions and group coaching sessions.

I’ve also been the opening speaker at a photography conference in Las Vegas called PMRE, where I spoke on the topic of resilience in photography, which is something I’m very passionate about.

Q. "What can I talk with you about during this coaching session?"

A. My expertise is in the business side of things, so anything to do with that - marketing, pricing, business operations, team member hiring and training, business systems, etc.

If you're looking for help on how to pose subjects for portraits, or how to get excited puppies to stop and look at the camera, then I'm not the coach for you. My specialty is the business side of things, not the camera and posing side of things.

However, you’ll see in the application form below where I ask photographers to let me know what they hope to gain from the shoot, so if you aren’t sure if I can help, fill in the form and I’ll give you a totally honest response regarding my suitability.

Q. "Do you work with photographers in all industries?"

A. Yes, I do help all sorts of photographers - portrait, wedding, event, corporate, pet, commercial.

However, if you do real estate photography then I may not be able to talk with you about that part of your business if I am already coaching another real estate photographer in your city or town (to avoid any conflict of interest). If you do real estate photography, then I’d recommend taking a look at my coaching program that’s specifically for real estate and architectural photographers: buildaphotographybusiness.com/reps

Q. "What happens if I do this but I'm not happy with the business coaching session? Do you guarantee your work?"

A. If you're not happy I'll give you a 100% refund on the call, because I want every photographer to leave happy with what they gained from these coaching sessions.

So yes, I fully guarantee my work, because I'm confident in what I do.

What do these business coaching sessions cost?

I've got three different coaching options for you to choose from.

Please note that there is no lock-in contract, so you are free to choose a single session, or you can book regular sessions. The choice is yours.

3 x 60 Minute Coaching Sessions


For 3 Sessions

  • Multiple Sessions for Feedback + Accountability

    These three sessions can be spread them out over multiple weeks or months.


    This is perfect for tracking a longer project or challenge within the business, giving you time to work on it while getting feedback and accountability to ensure tasks are completed on time.

  • 60 Minute Coaching Sessions

    Ask any business questions that you have, and I'll work with you to come up with a list of goals and tasks so you know exactly what to do.

  • Zoom calls
    These calls will be conducted via Zoom, either with or without a webcam so you can choose if you are seen or not.

  • 100% satisfaction guarantee.

    If you aren't happy with the coaching session, I will give you a full refund.

  • Goals document

    After the call I'll provide you with access to your list of goals and tasks either online or in a document so you know what to do.

30 Minute Coaching Session


Per Session

  • 30 Minute Coaching Session

    Ask any business questions that you have, and I'll work with you to come up with a list of goals and tasks so you know exactly what to do.

  • Zoom calls
    These calls will be conducted via Zoom, either with or without a webcam so you can choose if you are seen or not.

  • 100% satisfaction guarantee.

    If you aren't happy with the coaching session, I will give you a full refund.

  • Goals document

    After the call I'll provide you with access to your list of goals and tasks either online or in a document so you know what to do.

Complete the application form

Thank you so much for your interest in my business coaching for photographers. Here is the process to join:

Step 1. Complete the application form below, being as detailed as you can.

Please note that completing this application form does not necessarily mean that you will be offered a coaching session. It is only an application. Why do I ask photographers to complete an application form?

  1. I want to make sure I can actually help you. I've learned a lot as a photographer and a coach, but there are some things that I'm simply not the best resource for. For example, if you need help with posing, or some issues around shooting or what gear to use, then I'm not the right coach for you. My specialty is the business side of things - that's where I can help.
  2. I don't want us to waste our time with a coaching session that won't actually help you, so I like to know prior to the call what photographers are looking for, so we can both go in to the coaching session full of confidence. And if I don't think I'm the right fit for what you need then I will try and recommend other options to you.

Step 2. I will let you know within 48 hours whether I think I can help you.

Step 3. I will send you a link to my calendar so you can easily choose a day and time that suits you.

We're probably in different timezones, but this booking process makes it easy to find a time that works for both of us.

Note: If you have any problems with the form not working you're welcome to send me an email and we'll do the application that way instead: darryl@buildaphotographybusiness.com

Not sure if you really need this?
Here are some comments I've heard from photographers:

"I already have enough clients."

Do you? What happens if one or two of your biggest clients leave? I know that this has happened to photographers I know. They've become reliant on a small number of clients who are keeping them very busy, but when those clients leave the photographers don't have enough other clients to cover for them.

The fact is that every photographer can take on more clients by making changes in their business, and increase their revenue and their profit margins. There are things we can do to diversify the market and find new opportunities, but sometimes it takes someone standing away from the coal face to see what's really going on. That's where we can help.

"I'm too busy to get the most out of this."

Most photographers would like to have more time to work on their business, and having a business coach to keep you accountable for coaching sessions and tasks might be just what you need to make the changes that you've been meaning to make for a long time.

Think about it - are you more likely to take time out to work on your business and do the things you want to do if you're working by yourself ...

... or is it much more likely to happen if you're working with a business coach?

"I can't afford this right now."

I know finances can be a challenge, but can you afford not to invest in yourself?

Think of the time and money you've already invested in your business, and how you would feel if one day you found that there just weren't enough photo shoots coming in for you anymore. What would that be like for you?

Don't risk it. With my support, you'll be giving yourself the best possible chance of not just keeping your business alive, but giving it every chance to grow and thrive and be the best it can be.

I would be truly honored if I could work with you on your business, but whether you would like me to work with you or not here's what I'd like you to take away from this:

The success of your business is not up to your competition, or your marketplace, or your background, or anyone else. It's up to you.

So here's what I'd like you to be saying to yourself:

"I will work on my photography, marketing and pricing. I will build my business from the foundation up, and my business will grow because of the hard work I put in to it. I will not give up. I will be constantly learning, always moving forward, always doing better than the day before, because this business is my responsibility and I will make it a success!!"

I look forward to hearing from you.

-- Darryl Stringer