business coaching | photography | marketing | content creation | productivity | pricing

If you're a real estate or architectural photographer:

Take a 30-day trial of my coaching program for $49:

Take a 30 day trial for just $49.
You only pay $49 for the first 30 days
with access to the entire program. You can leave at any time during the 30 day trial, or stay and pay a fee to continue your exclusive access.
Exclusive access in your area.
When you join
you'll be the only photographer in your area with access to the program.
1:1 coaching + group coaching.
More than just a course,
this includes private coaching sessions where we'll work together on your business.
Benefit from my experience.
Having spent over 25 years as a photographer and coach,
I've got the experience to help you grow your business.
Pre-made marketing tools.
REPS includes a wide range of marketing tools
so all you need to do is customize them and send them out. Easy!
Pricing calculators and quotes.
Use our pricing calculators
and pre-made quote documents and pricelists to convert more prospects to buyers.
Create a business that runs itself.
Introduce systems and processes
that will help you build and manage a team so you don't have to do everything anymore.
Website & social media content.
Access templates and training
that will help you create a strong website + social media posts that people love.

What do photographers say about REPS?

" I have gained 2-3 new clients a month and it's been way better than I thought it could be. ... I think REPS has been the best investment in my business by far."


"Thanks Darryl. I'm really happy with my decision to join REPS. It's really given me a fresh perspective and so many useful tools, and of course your wisdom and encouragement."
- Architectural photographer from Indiana, USA


"REPS is an excellent resource for any real estate photographer, both experienced and new. There are modules that will help someone that is just getting started, as well as those ready to take their business to the next level.
Perhaps the best part of the program is having access to a large group of photographers to answer any specific and unique questions you might have, or to think through new ideas with.”
- Real estate photographer from Michigan, USA

"You have been an amazing coach and great support to me this year. Without your help, I will have been still struggling with different things in my head. Thank you so much."
- Real estate photographer from Hawaii, USA

“Thanks for all this - it’s exactly what I need!
The call today was great, thanks so much as always for putting it all together.”
- Property photographer from the UK

“Following your steps I have gained so many of my dream clients.”
- Real estate photographer from North Carolina, USA

"REPS has made me more successful than I thought I could be at this point. I have profited each month, I have gained 2-3 new clients a month and it's been way better than I thought it could be. I rank on page 1 of Google, I get consistent business, and I have clients who love me and will do anything for me. It's awesome and I would not be here without you and your content.

I think REPS has been the best investment in my business by far."
- Architectural photographer from Colorado, USA

"The resources are incredibly helpful and so nice to have!!"
- Real estate photographer from North Carolina, USA

"While I found everything we talked about tonight extremely helpful I think having you go over my website and tell me very freely the things that are holding me back from ranking, and discussing social media and how to approach people through that really helped me.
I think as far as the website's concerned as a creative and a photographer you really want to visually tell your story and not use so many words. But that does not work for SEO and ranking in search results. Having you tell me point blank the things that I could change, the things that I should do and why was really helpful. There's so many different resources on SEO and none of them give any clear guidance and I really found that helpful."
- Real estate photographer from Colorado, USA

How will this program help you?

There are six areas a photographer needs to excel in and The Real Estate Photography System will help you with all of these:

1. Brand

2. Marketing

3. Pricing

4. Services

5. Systems

6. Self

One-to-one Coaching

Your 30 day trial includes Premium Membership and all of the benefits of that, regardless of which membership you choose to go with at the end of the 30 day trial.

This means we’ll get together for two private coaching sessions to talk about where you’re at and what you need to do next to keep your business moving forward.

What's the benefit of private coaching?

Elite athletes and top business executives excel at what they do, yet they still have a coach for the same reason why a coach can help you in your business:

  • A coach provides a second set of eyes and can help you see things that you can’t because you’re too close to the action.
  • A coach can provide you with a framework for moving forward, so you have a plan for where you want to be and how you’re going to get there.
  • A coach can guide you with their experience or push you further than you think you can go, whether that’s with your photography or the operation of your business.
  • A coach can help you tidy up your technique or show you a new way of doing things that is easier, better, or more efficient.

If you would like to work with me as your coach, I’ll help you:

  • Address technical issues with your photography
  • Provide guidance on how YOU can best market your services and attract more clients
  • Address your individual needs as they arrive - so things like difficult clients, or quotes for unusual projects
  • Act as a sounding board so you can feel confident in your decision making.

Press Play to learn how 1-to-1 coaching can help you as a real estate or architectural photographer.

I only work with one photographer in each area

Why only one?

I create these exclusive tools and resources that members of REPS can use, and the effectiveness of those marketing tools would be limited if multiple photographers in the same area were using them to target the same prospects.

So if you are interested I would encourage you to act quickly.

I’ve had quite a number of photographers desperately wanting to work with me, and I have to give them the news that unfortunately I can’t help them because someone else got in ahead of them.

Would you like to know if your area is still available?

Enter your details in the form below, and I'll let you know if I currently have space available for you.


As an example, in the map above I've indicated the area that might be covered by a fictitious photographer in Philadelphia (approx 30 mile radius around the city). 

Within this scenario, I would not work with another photographer in Philadelphia, but I could work with another photographer in Atlantic City, another in Brick Township, another in Allentown and another in New York City, provided those photographers do not also cover Philadelphia.

Who am I?

I'm Darryl Stringer, and I started in real estate photography back in 1998. During those early years I made a lot of mistakes, but I eventually figured out how to make it work as a real estate and architectural photographer. By the time I sold my business in 2015 I had made over $2.7 million in photography sales.
Since 2015 I have been a full-time photography coach, and my goal is to help other photographers avoid the mistakes I made, guide them towards making great choices as business owners, and provide them with the tools and resources that will enable them to be as successful as they want to be.

Take a 30 day trial

If you join before another photographer takes your area you can take a test drive of Premium Membership for 30 days for just $49.

What happens after you join?

At any time during the 30 day trial you can choose to leave the program and pay nothing more. Or if you choose to stay you'll automatically start paying a monthly or annual fee. There are two different membership levels to choose from.

What does it cost after the 30 day trial?

We've got two membership levels for you to choose from. You can choose a monthly fee or save big with an annual fee.

Please note that there is no lock-in contract, so you are free to leave REPS at any time.

Premium Membership


Per Month

  • Private 1-to-1 coaching
    Two 1-hour sessions every month, providing you with the resources that you need, a list of tasks so you know what to do, and accountability to ensure stuff gets done

  • Weekly Group Coaching Calls
    Access to live Group Calls every week plus the video recordings of 400+ Group Calls covering all aspects of your business

  • Area-exclusivity
    I only work with one photographer in each area, so members will be the only photographer in their market with access to the program and resources

  • Access to 700+ training modules and marketing tools

  • Access to a private Facebook Group to engage with me and other team members around the world

  • Email access to me at any time

  • Pre-pay for 12 months = $3000
    (a saving of $1200)

Group Membership


Per Month

  • Weekly Group Coaching Calls
    Access to live Group Calls every week plus the video recordings of 400+ Group Calls covering all aspects of your business

  • Area-exclusivity
    I only work with one photographer in each area, so members will be the only photographer in their market with access to the program and resources

  • Access to 700+ training modules and marketing tools

  • Access to a private Facebook Group to engage with me and other team members around the world

  • Email access to me at any time

  • Pre-pay for 12 months = $1900
    (a saving of $500)

Do you work in a town or area with a population of less than 100,000?

I know that the opportunities to work as a real estate photographer in a smaller town with fewer real estate listings means less jobs, and I don’t want any photographer to be held back just because they live in a smaller town instead of a major city. To find out more send me an email with a note about the area you live in and the population of that area, and I’ll send you pricing details for a town of your size.

Not sure if you really need this?

I'd be happy to do a free coaching session with you to give you a free sample of what business coaching could do for you, and give you a chance to ask me any questions you have. Visit: to learn more.

Here are some things I've heard from photographers:

"I already have enough clients."

Are you sure? I mean, what happens if one or two of your biggest clients leave? I know that this has happened to photographers I know. They've become reliant on a small number of clients who are keeping them very busy, but when those clients leave the photographers don't have enough other clients to cover for them.

The fact is that every photographer can take on more clients by making changes in their business, and increase their revenue and their profit margins. There are things we can do to diversify the market and find new opportunities, but sometimes it takes someone standing away from the coal face to see what's really going on. That's where we can help.

"I'm too busy to get the most out of this."

Most photographers would like to have more time to work on their business, and having a business coach to keep you accountable for coaching sessions and tasks might be just what you need to make the changes that you've been meaning to make for a long time.

Think about it - are you more likely to take time out to work on your business and do the things you want to do if you're working by yourself ...

... or is it much more likely to happen if you're working with a business coach?

"I can't afford this right now."

I know finances can be a challenge, but can you afford not to invest in yourself?

Think of the time and money you've already invested in your business, and how you would feel if one day you found that there just weren't enough photo shoots coming in for you anymore. What would that be like for you?

Don't risk it. With a team of other photographers, together with the training and resources I provide you with, you'll be giving yourself the best possible chance of not just keeping your business alive, but giving it every chance to grow and thrive and be the best it can be.

"I want to move beyond real estate photography, and do more commercial shoots."

We can help you there, too! Providing marketing and training for photographers to move outside of the real estate industry and really diversify their client base is a HUGE part of what we do in The Real Estate Photography System.

We have a lot of tools available to help you get more clients in the hotel industry, architecture, interior design, building supplies and more. Whilst real estate photography might be your bread and butter, I actively encourage all of my team members and provide them with training to move beyond real estate as well.

Submit an application to join

Thank you so much for your interest in the Real Estate Photography System. Here is the process to join:

Step 1. Complete the application form below, being as detailed as you can.

Please note that completing this application form does not necessarily mean that you will become a member. It is only an application.

Step 2. I will let you know within 48 hours whether you have been successful or not.

If you are successful then I will send you a link to my website where you can choose which membership level you would like to go with at the end of your 30 day trial. Choose the membership level you want, pay just $49, and only at the end of that 30 day trial will you make any further payment.

Step 3. Once payment has been made I will provide you with access to everything inside REPS

Step 4. At any point during your 30 day trial you can choose to leave ...

... and if you're disappointed let me know if you would like a full refund. If you choose to stay then you will automatically continue at one of two membership levels: Premium or Group Membership. Click here to see details about the membership levels.

This 30 day trial is not available to people who have previously been members of this coaching program. If you've already done a 30 day trial of REPS then you are already familiar with what we have, so the 30 day trial isn't necessary. You're welcome to reapply, or send me an email, and if I have a vacancy I'd love to resume working with you, but you would go straight to the standard monthly membership fee. 


Please make sure you’ve completed every question. Then, click on the “I want to build my business” button at the bottom of the screen to submit your application.

Note: If you have any problems with the form not working you're welcome to send me an email and we'll do the application that way instead. My address is:

I would be truly honored if I could work with you on your business, but whether you would like me to work with you or not here's what I'd like you to take away from this:

The success of your business is not up to your competition, or your marketplace, or your background, or anyone else. It's up to you.

So here's what I'd like you to be saying to yourself:

"I will work on my photography, marketing and pricing. I will build my business from the foundation up, and my business will grow because of the hard work I put in to it. I will not give up. I will be constantly learning, always moving forward, always doing better than the day before, because this business is my responsibility and I will make it a success!!"

I look forward to hearing from you.

-- Darryl Stringer

P.S.: As I mentioned earlier I only have room for one photographer in your area. This could be your chance to really make a difference in your business, so say "Yes!" to this today, and let's make things happen!