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Photographers: How do you build resilience?

In Real estate photography - business management by Build A Photography Business

Want to download my worksheet on resilience? Click here and you’ll instantly download my PDF on resilience. How does this work? The first thing to do when seeking to build resilience is to identify the kind of business you want to be and the type activities that make you happy, because when you’re enjoying what you’re doing you’ll be far …

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How I help photographers get clear on what they need to do

In Real estate photography - business management by Build A Photography Business

I was running a session with a small team of real estate photographers last week, and we were talking about goals and habits. I asked the photographers: “What is one big goal you have for your business?” … and they all listed one of their goals and what they hope to do.  Then I asked them: “Imagine it is 12 months …

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Photographers: Your time problem is expensive.

In Build A Photography Business Show, Real estate photography - business management by Build A Photography Business

If you’re a real estate or architectural photographer, do you have an expensive time problem? In this video I’ll share five things you can do to overcome your time problem and get back in control. Video transcript: Real estate photographers: your time problem is expensive. Now if you’re a real estate photographer or an architectural photographer, you might have a …

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Real estate photographers: 10 reasons why you don’t get new clients

In Build A Photography Business Show, Real estate photography - business management, Real estate photography marketing by Build A Photography Business

In this live event we looked at some of the reasons why real estate photographers aren’t getting new clients, or why you’re not getting as many as you’d like. Now obviously we talked about pricing and differentiation because they’re the big ones, but we also looked at a few less obvious reasons that might spark a new idea for you. …

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Real estate photographers: Take your business to the next level

In Build A Photography Business Show, Real estate photography - business management, Real estate photography marketing by Build A Photography Business

In this video we looked at the four levels of a real estate photography business: 1. Start up 2. Growth 3. Team-building 4. Scale I’ll help you identify which level you’re at right now, and by the end of the video you’ll have a clear picture of the changes you need to make if you want to step up to …

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15 things I wish I knew before I started doing real estate photography

In Build A Photography Business Show, Real estate photography - business management by Build A Photography Business

In this live event I shared 15 things I wish I knew before I started doing real estate photography, and these lessons come from the combined experience of running my own photography business for 17 years and from coaching over 200 photographers around the world. I covered photography, marketing, pricing, hiring team members and more, spread across 15 simple lessons …

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Photographers: Here’s your weekly activity checklist to build your business

In Build A Photography Business Show, Real estate photography - business management by Build A Photography Business

When you run a real estate or architectural photography business it’s easy to get caught up in the creative side of things, but you’ll only find real success when you focus long-term on the business. In this live event I shared the core activities you need to be working on each week if you want to grow. I walked through …

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Real estate photographers: Which business model is best?

In Build A Photography Business Show, Real estate photography - business management, Real estate photography marketing by Build A Photography Business

In this video we’ll take a look at two different business models used by photographers to see how you would implement each of them when it comes to pricing, image quality, client acquisition, time per shoot and more. Of course, you might sit somewhere between these two models so we’ll consider those options as well, and I’ll let you know …

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Photographers: Managing clients with unrealistic expectations

In Build A Photography Business Show, Real estate photography - business management by Build A Photography Business

If you’re a real estate photographer or architectural photographer – How do you manage those clients that have unrealistic expectations? In this video I’m going to walk you through the 3 areas of your business you’ll want to work on so you’re thoroughly prepared for anything they might throw at you: setting boundaries, preparing your resources and knowing how to engage with a client.

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Real estate photographers: How to build your team

In Build A Photography Business Show, Real estate photography - business management by Build A Photography Business

So your real estate photography business is growing and you’re wondering if you should hire some extra team members. It can be a daunting prospect and one that you might be tempted to put off just because it looks like it’ll be too big to manage … “Should I hire someone now or wait until I get busier? And how …

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Procrastination, perfectionism and photography

In Build A Photography Business Show, Real estate photography - business management by Build A Photography Business

Do you procrastinate on things? ​​Are you a perfectionist? ​​Do you ever have doubts about your ability as a photographer? There’s a lot of stuff online for real estate photographers about shooting and editing, but I’d like to dig into some of the underlying mindset issues that hold a lot of photographers back and I’ll share some things you can …

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Real estate photographers – too busy? This is how you fix it.

In Build A Photography Business Show, Real estate photography - business management by Build A Photography Business

For the real estate photographers out there – are you so crazy busy working on photo shoots for your clients that you barely get time for anything else? That sounds like a great problem to have, but it could be a sign of some systemic issues in your business that you need to get fixed ASAP. In this episode I …

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Photographers: 3 things the corporate world does better than you

In Build A Photography Business Show, Real estate photography - business management by Build A Photography Business

In this episode of The Build A Photography Business Show I talk about 3 things the corporate world does better than you … or at least better than a lot of real estate photographers and architectural photographers. However, if you can turn things around by also pursuing excellence in these three areas – and we’ll talk about how you can …

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6 steps to protect your photography business long-term: The Build A Photography Business Show

In Build A Photography Business Show, Real estate photography - business management by Build A Photography Business

As a real estate photographer or architectural photographer, what can you do to protect your business? There are a lot of risks you face, so in this episode of The Build A Photography Business Show I’d like to outline six things you can do that will help you to succeed over the long-term.As a real estate photographer or architectural photographer, …

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How to get started in real estate photography: The Build A Photography Business Show

In Build A Photography Business Show, Real estate photography - business management, Real estate photography marketing by Build A Photography Business

There’s a lot more to getting started in real estate photography than just learning some new skills or getting a wide-angle lens.

In this video I went through a 3-stage process covering 7 different areas of your business, and I think this will help you get your new venture off to the best possible start.

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How to get from where you are to where you want to be

In Build A Photography Business Show, Real estate photography - business management by Build A Photography Business

What stresses you out? What keeps you up at night as a photographer? For you the issue might be, “How am I going to get more clients?” Or it could be, “How am I going to manage my time so I’m not spending every waking hour working in my business?”  Whatever it is for you it comes back to this: How …

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How to balance your photography business and your family so both sides win

In Build A Photography Business Show, Real estate photography - business management by Build A Photography Business

How can a real estate or architectural photographer find a balance between their business and their family, and do it in a way that both sides win? We know what it’s like being a photographer – you shoot all day, then you get back home and handle the editing, the emails that you’ve missed, your social media posts, your invoices …

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The roadmap to real estate photography success: The Build A Photography Business Show

In Build A Photography Business Show, Real estate photography - business management by Build A Photography Business

How do you find success as a real estate photographer? I’d suggest that there are 7 areas you really need to work on, and in this video I’ll show you what those 7 areas are, and how to maximize them in your business. This will give you clarity and confidence regarding the things you need to do, but what’s important …