How to find balance in your photography business

In Real estate photography - business management, Real estate photography marketing by Build A Photography Business

In this video I talk about the importance of finding balance in your real estate photography business.

Let’s imagine that a graph represents the different departments in your business. So you’ve got photography, and marketing, and financials, and time management, and your online presence.

If you were to plot your skills or your degree of control for each of these departments, what would your graph look like?


Click on the image to download the PDF: “Balancing My Photography Business”

I’ve put together a PDF that you can print out that has this graph layout.

Now let’s imagine that a 10 on this scale indicates perfection – that’s where you are when you are on top of the world, the head honcho, the President of Awesomeness.

Then we come down to a 5, and that’s for people in the middle. You’re good but not yet great.

And a 1 is, well, you’re totally lost. You don’t know what’s going on, and you’re hoping for the best.

A lot of photographers are strong in 1 or 2 areas, and so they feel good when they’re working in those departments so they keep building on those skills. But they neglect these other areas.

So what are you doing to work on all of your skills? Where do you need to change things?

Download that PDF, fill it in as accurately and as honestly as you can (don’t overestimate your own abilities … but at the same time, don’t be too harsh on yourself either), and look at whether you’re balanced in your business or not.

And remember …

It’s okay if you’re mid-range right across the board. None of us are going to be perfect 10s!

But what’s important is that you work on improving in each area, not just one or two.

Remember, as you move forward with your business you want to stay balanced all the time. If you’re working a little on one area this week, make sure you move to another area next week.