How portrait and wedding photographers can get started in architectural & real estate photography

In Real estate photography - business management, Real estate photography pricing, Real estate photography tutorials by Build A Photography Business

If you're currently doing portrait & wedding photography, then you might like to consider adding architectural and real estate photography to your list of services - or perhaps even make a complete switch.

To help you get started here's a video where I outline a 4-stage plan for adding real estate & architectural photography to what you are already doing.

What are the architectural and real estate industries like?

Each individual city or town will have a different market for the architectural and real estate industries, so in this video we'll look at a few generalizations, but we'll also look at how you can possibly assess your own market so you have a better idea of what you'll need to do to get more clients.

What photography skills do you need?

In this video we'll go through the skills you need, and I'll briefly introduce you to a couple of the most common approaches that a lot of photographers use to shoot interiors.

What do you charge for architectural and real estate photography?

A lot of photographers struggle with pricing in whatever field they are in, and photographers involved in shooting architecture and real estate are no different.

In this video we'll look at some typical rates for the different industries. Just note that prices vary greatly from country to country, and indeed from city to city, so what I outline here is just a rough guide and circumstances may be different where you are.

Four questions you need to ask yourself

If you've been through the above videos and you think architectural and real estate photography sounds like a good option, then in this video I present 4 questions that you'll want to ask yourself to see if this is right for you. You'll give yourself a score for each question, and then at the end you can tally up your score to see where you sit.